In every situation and project phase, I support you in achieving your objectives efficiently.
Sample work packages are listed below. The right bundle of tasks will be individually assembled for you. All is possible!
Strategy Development Shared Services:
Analyse the current situation and develop solution options (e. g. Shared Services yes or no)
Identify options for Shared Services (build internally as captive, source externally or hybrid model)
Evalute the options along commonly agreed decision criteria
Detailing of the preferred option: split of responsibilties, operating model, timeline, etc.
Preparation of a decision proposal and support in working through the decision process
Transition Planing and Preparation:
Capture the current situation for each organisation entity: activities, volumes, etc.
Define the general conditions for shared services for every organisational entity.
Overall timeline planning of the migration (transition) of processes to the shared service center.
Detailed planning of each wave, site or country, depending on the organisational structure.
Training concept for knowledge transfer to the shared service center.
Project Management during Transition and Stabilisation:
Establish project management structure and handle day to day activities, hands-on
Set up and management of the governance for the shared service center (SSC) project
Accompanying each project phase in terms of content with specific advise on actions to be taken
Creation of the required tools and templates to support the project
Practical guidance of your internal team members, so they can execute further projcets on their own
External Sourcing (Business Process Outsourcing, BPO):
Analysis of the situation and assembling of the relevant information for the tender
Definition of the requirements a potential service provider has to meet
Definition of the tender process and creation of the tender documentation for the bidders
Ongoing management of the tender process and interface to the bidders
Evaluation of the BPO proposals and creation of the decision document
Do Shared Services fit your Organisation?
In case you are taking the first steps and think about the best approach for your organisation, it is worth to check my analysis guide (in German language). It helps you in taking a quick and focussed decision on whether shared services fit your organisation.
Ask yourself the key questions which are essential for taking a decision.
Get a structure which helps you get to the topic in a focussed way.
Understand the important points for your next steps.